Georgia Clerks Education Institute

The Georgia Clerks Education Institute Certificate Program is designed to establish minimum standards and professional goals for city and county clerks. The Georgia Clerks Education Institute is presented by the Carl Vinson Institute of Government and is jointly supported by the Georgia County Clerks Association (GCCA) and the Georgia Municipal Clerks Association (GMCA)


The Georgia Clerks Education Institute Certificate Program offers:

The Georgia Clerks Education Institute Certificate Program:

  • introduces new methods and approaches to enable clerks and finance officers to become more efficient and effective in their jobs,
  • increases managerial competence of municipal and county clerks to meet new challenges and demands placed on local government, and
  • creates the opportunity for clerks to further their professional development to gain the recognition they deserve. 

Who We Serve

  • City clerks
  • County clerks
  • other personnel performing city or county clerk duties in local government 


  • Instructions for viewing your Institute of Government course history
  • 2025 Georgia Certified Clerks Certificate Schedule
  • Clerks' Certification Guidelines
  • Masters Education Management Development Program Guidelines
  • Worksheet for tracking courses (for clerks who took mandated training February 2015 or earlier)
  • Worksheet for tracking courses (for clerks who took mandated training after February 2015)
  • View instructions on how to log in to the participant portal, access your training transcript or pay your training registration invoice.  

State Mandated Training

State law (O.C.G.A. sections 36-1-24 and 36-45-20) requires anyone hired as of April 1, 1992, holding the title of "clerk" or performing the duties of a municipal/county clerk pursuant to the local charter, ordinance, or code shall attend a 15-hour mandated orientation training. The training consists of a basic overview of clerks' job duties and required functions. The 15-hour mandated training counts toward the 101 hours required for full certification. Mandated training is offered at the fall and spring Georgia Clerks Education Institute conferences.


Questions? Contact Us.

Christina Collins
Program Coordinator