Educational Partnerships, Conference Services
Educational Partnerships, Conference Services
We work with various professional associations and organizations in managing their conferences and developing training programs.
We provide conference and training services for government-related education programs and external education partners. For more information, contact Thad McWhorter.
Certified Government Chief Information Officer (CGCIO)
We partner with Georgia Government Management Information Sciences (GA GMIS) to offer
program certification for qualified professionals through online and in-person classes,
independent assignments and a capstone project.
>>Download CGCIO Application
Code Enforcement Officers
We provide a training program and conferencing services for the Georgia Association
of Code Enforcement (GACE).
>>Conference registration and information
County Commissioners
We partner with the state's Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) to provide certificate programs for newly elected commissioners and extensive leader-development programs for incumbent commissioners.
Georgia City-County Management Association (GCCMA)
We coordinate and provide educational classes for the Georgia City-County Management Association (GCCMA) that align with core competencies for credentials of the International City/County Managers Association (ICMA).
Georgia Clerks Education Institute
The Georgia Clerks Education Institute Certificate Program is designed to establish
minimum standards and professional goals for city and county clerks. Hosted by the
UGA Institute of Government, the Georgia Clerks Education Institute is jointly supported
by the Georgia County Clerks Association (GCCA) and the Georgia Municipal Clerks Association
>>Conference registration and information
Superior and State Court Clerks
We provide certificate program training to Superior Court Clerks and State Court Clerks in Georgia.
Charter System Foundation
We provide conference support to the Charter System Foundation.
>>Conference registration and information
Elections Officials/Voter Registrars
We offer programmatic and conference coordination for the Georgia Association of Voter
Registration and Election Officials (GAVREO) and the Secretary of State to support
training for voter registration and election officials throughout the state.
>>Conference registration and information
Georgia Association of Tax Officials (GATO)
We provide support to the Georgia Association of Tax Officials (GATO) in planning and implementing its annual conference, where we also provide instruction.
>>Conference registration and information
Georgia Association of Zoning Administrators (GAZA)
We offer programmatic and conference coordination for the Georgia Association of Zoning
Administrators (GAZA).
>>Conference registration and information
Georgia Chapter of the Government Management Information Sciences (GA GMIS)
The Georgia Chapter of the Government Management Information Sciences (GA GMIS) is continually blazing new frontiers to better serve the public and governmental agencies through sharing of knowledge in information technology. We provide support to GMIS in planning and implementing its conferences.
Georgia Government Finance Officers Association (GGFOA)
We provide an extensive training program for local government finance officers and
budget directors with partners in the Georgia Government Finance Officers Association
>>Conference registration and information
Human Resources
We administer the Certified Human Resource Manager (CHRM) and the Advanced Certification
in Human Resource Management (ACHRM) programs in partnership with the Georgia Local
Government Personnel Association (GLGPA). The programs enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of people who manage and
administer of personnel systems in local government in Georgia. Courses are typically
offered at the fall and spring GLGPA conferences and at other times throughout the year.
>> How to access your current CHRM or ACHRM certificate status
Local School Leadership
Board of education members can enhance their leadership skills and knowledge of school
governance through a six-module training program. The program fulfills the annual
training requirements set by the Georgia Department of Education.
>>Training program information
Municipal Elected Officials
The UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government partners with the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) to provide leadership development programs for newly elected mayors and council members and advanced training programs for municipal officials.
Newly Elected Tax Commissioners
We offer programmatic and conference coordination for Newly Elected Tax Commissioners
to support their required 40 hours of training classes, as required by the State Revenue
Commissioner. The program is facilitated by the GA Department of Revenue.
>>Conference registration and information
Public Works
We administer the Georgia Certificate of Public Works Management (CPWM) program and
provide conference services for the Georgia Chapter of the America Public Works Association (APWA). The certification program is part of the Mike Joyner Public Works Education
Program. To earn the Certificate of Public Works Management, a participant must complete
six two-and-a-half-day modules of study during conferences held in January and July.
>>Conference registration and information
Interested in a custom certificate program for your organization?

We offer special workshops customized to the specific needs of different levels of employees in both state and local governments. Special topic workshops are made-to-order training opportunities that can be mixed and matched from our comprehensive menu of courses to fit your needs and your budget.
Local Government Special Topic Workshops
We offer various special workshops that are tailored to your local government’s specific needs. You can customize your own curriculum by combining the courses that fulfill your most pressing staff training needs.
State Government Special Topic Workshops
We offer state agency employees professional development opportunities to help them excel in their current positions or prepare for higher-level responsibilities. State agencies or departments can build customized training program to meet specific needs by selecting one course or multiple courses from a wide variety of topics.